Why Winter is The Best Season for Bulking

When the temperature drops and the sun sets earlier, the idea of working out often admits a disgruntled “too much effort” from the commo...

Are Sweet Potatoes Keto-Friendly?

Yes, people are still intrigued by the restrictive keto diet. Often praised by celebrities (hi, Halle Berry), it consists of breaking down...

Muscle Dysmorphia: The Signs You Need to Know

“Ahh no way bro, I’m tiny. Best be getting some tips off you big man!” As I walked past some fellow gymgoers, (bee-lining toward that la...

7 Gross Things That Happen When You Bite Your Nails

If you’d rather not send the people around you a message of “Hey, I’ve got issues!” then you might want to kick your nail-biting habit. ...

5 Signs You’re Suffering From ‘Pandemic Burnout’

It’s a term you’ve probably seen around lately. Some see it as just the latest Internet buzzword to grace our screens. Or is it? Like em...

Eating Disorder in Disguise: When Healthy Eating Goes Too Far

I’m sure we have all, at one point in time, declared “I’m going to make an effort to eat healthier.” And there is generally nothing wrong...

The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Strength Training

Strength training or weight training can seem daunting: the thought of walking up to the weight section of a gym, surrounded by all sorts ...

Sore Muscles After A Workout Or Run? You Might Need To Reassess Your Diet

Stroll down the aisles of any sporting goods store or Rebel Sport, and you’ll quickly discover that recovery is big business. Now, tech c...

Apparently Men Should Be Ejaculating at Least 21 Times a Month

We all have that friend (or housemate) that’s known for loving self-pleasure a little too much. This is the person who retreats to the be...

Turns Out Sinking Tinnies Could Actually Aid Recovery After Endurance Sports

Frequent any supplement store or even just the beverage aisle of your local supermarket, and you’ll be faced with a plethora of hydrating...